Computer Science Education | Programming Language Tutorials For Beginners

QBasic Interface and Functions

For those who is new to QBasic, this tutorial is going to show you some of the important interface in QBasic Programming Language.
The interface has the following features:
1. Window displaying the current program
2. Menu
3. Name of current program
4. Window to immediately execute a command
5. Status bar
6. Status of Caps Lock and Num Lock
7. Current line of cursor
8. Current column of cursor
Current program
The current program is displayed in the middle of the screen, and covers most of the QBasic interface.

The menu provides most of the operations for the QBasic editor. Such as opening a file, pasting text, and searching for a string.


New - Clears the current program
Open - Loads a program from disk
Save - Saves the current program to disk
Save As - Saves the program, but under a different name
Print - Prints the selected text, current window, or entire program
Exit - Closes the QBasic interpreter


Cut - Removes the selected text and stores it in the clipboard
Copy - Copies the text instead of removing it
Paste - Adds the text in the clipboard to the current position of the cursor
Clear - Removes the text without storing it to the clipboard
New Sub - Enables you to create a new subroutine (see Subroutines and Functions)
New Function - Enables you to create a new function (see Subroutines and Functions)


SUBs - Shows the list of current subroutines and functions (see Subroutines and Functions)
Split - Displays the contents of the current program in two windows. If the window is already split, this hides the second window (NOTE: The text in each window is always the same, even if you alter the text in one window)
Output Screen - Shows the QBasic output screen.


Find - Allows you to search for a string of text in the program
Repeats Last Find - Continues the previous search operation
Change - Replaces each instance of a string with another string


Start - Executes the current program
Restart - Starts from the beginning
Continue - Continues execution at the current position


Step - Processes the next command
Procedure Step - Processes the next command, but does not show QBasic going inside a subroutine or function
Trace On - Shows the command that is being executed while the program is running
Toggle Breakpoint - Sets or removes a breakpoint. Use this to have the QBasic interpreter stop when it reaches a specified line in the program
Clear All Breakpoints - Removes all breakpoints in the program
Set Next Statement - Allows you to continue execution at the specified line


Display - Enables you to change display colors, the number of spaces to use for tabs, and whether or not scroll bars are visible
Help Path - The location of the QBASIC.HLP file
Syntax Checking - Allows you to have the QBasic editor check the syntax of your program as you type


Index - List of all QBasic commands, keywords, operators, etc.
Contents - The table of contents for QBasic help
Topic - Show help for a specific keyword
Using Help - Displays information on using QBasic help
About - Shows information about the QBasic interpreter

Name of current program
The file name of the current program is displayed near the top of the screen in the center. You can change the name by selecting "Save As" on the "File" menu.

Immediately execute a command
QBasic provides a way to execute a command without running the current program. To do so, select the bottom window (under "immediate") and enter a command, then press Enter.

Status bar
The status bar is at the bottom of the screen. It displays a short list commands
(<Shift+F1=Help> <F6=Window> <F2=Subs> <F5=Run> <F8=Step>).
When you highlight an item on the menu, the status bar displays a short description of what the item does.
Status of Caps Lock and Num Lock
If Caps Lock is set, a "C" is displayed on the right side of the status bar.
If Num Lock is set, an "N" is displayed on the right side of the status bar.

Current line
On the right side of the status bar, the current line of the cursor is displayed.

Current column
On the right side of the status bar, the current column of the cursor is displayed (immediately after the current line).

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