Computer Science Education | Programming Language Tutorials For Beginners


Basically binary is very simple, we as people are used to counting in decimal, 1,2,3, etc..., this is known as base 10 as there are 10 numbers in decimal 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and no 10 is not one of them, to get ten we put 1 and 0 together when we move past 9, we do this in order to count higher, obviously, and once we get passed 9 we go back to 0 move over one space and put on a 1.

  9  <- Reached the maximum of our numbers in decimal
 10  <- So we move over one place and put on a 1 and start again
 19  <- Again we reach the maximum so we move over one place and add a 1
 90  <- And so on till we reach 90
 99  <- We’ve now reached the maximum on both numbers so we have to move 2 places over and add a 1
100  <- And the cycle starts again

What we have to remember is that decimal has 10 numbers and is therefore known as base10, binary only has 2 numbers, 1 and 0 and is therefore known as base 2, but what happens when we try and lay out the binary numbers like we did above with the decimal ones?

 1  <- Already we’ve reached the maximum of binary numbers!
 10  <- Like decimal we move over and start again
 11  <- So quickly we’ve already run out on both sides
111  <- like the decimal number 1 hundred we move over 2 and start again.

As you can see there isn’t much to binary, lets count to ten in binary to get a little more used to it.

Decimal Binary
-----   ----
   0   00

   1   01

   2   10

   3   11

   4 100

   5 101

   6 110

   7 111

   8 1000

   9 1001

  10 1010

See binary is easy enough and if you leave out the first column you will notice that 4 - 7 look like 0 - 3 and remember its just like going from 9 to 10 in decimal, move over 1 place and add on

So how do we convert from decimal to binary numbers? Sure you could write out a table like above and check it to get the binary value you want but what if you’re looking for a value for a number like 1275, good look writing a table up to 10011111011 or we could just use the good old repeated division of 2 method. This works by repeatedly dividing the decimal number by 2 and if it’s an even number record a 0, if its an odd record a 1. Say for example we wanted to convert 57 to binary:

2/57  remainder = 1

= 28

2/28  remainder = 0

= 14

2/14  remainder = 0

=  7

2/7  remainder = 1

=  3

2/3  remainder     = 1

=  1

2/1  remainder = 1

=  0

Now if we put those remainders alongside each other starting from the bottom up we get 111001, which is 57 in binary.

Well binary is nice and easy to all but if that’s all that a computer understands then how does it go from that to a word processor or an entire operating system. Well we build up these complicated tasks using simple logic gates and Boolean algebra, Boolean algebra was created by George Boole in Ireland in the 1800's, The gates provide a way to make decisions and more complex tasks are built upon them. These gates accept input of Binary numbers and their output is based on the type of gate and what input was involved. There are three simple gates.

The simplest of all the gates is the NOT gate, it just takes a binary value of either 1 or 0 and gives back the opposite. The NOT gate is symbolized by the operator '~'. Consider the following.

  A   |   Q


  0   |   1

  1   |   0

   ~0 = 1

   ~1 = 0

This table shows all possible inputs and outputs of the NOT gate, this kind of a table is known as a 'truth table'.


The AND gate unlike the NOT gate doesn’t take just one input (A) it take at least 2 (A,B), its symbol is '&'.

A  B  |  Q


0  0  |  0

0  1  |  0

1  0  |  0

1  1  |  1

  0 & 0 = 0

  0 & 1 = 0

  1 & 0 = 0

  1 & 1 = 1

As you can see from the truth table above, the output of a AND gate is only equal to 1 when both A AND B are equal to 1, this is the following.

If A = 0 and B = 0 then Q = 0

If A = 0 and B = 1 then Q = 0

If A = 1 and B = 0 then Q = 0

If A = 1 and B = 1 then Q = 1

The OR gate also only takes in 2 parameters, A and B, its symbol is '|'

A  B  |  Q


0  0  |  0

0  1  |  1

1  0  |  1

1  1  |  1

  0 | 0 = 0

  0 | 1 = 1

  1 | 0 = 1

  1 | 1 = 1

The OR gate outputs a value of 1 if either A OR B OR both are equal to 1

If A = 0 and B = 0 then Q = 0

If A = 0 and B = 1 then Q = 1

If A = 1 and B = 0 then Q = 1

If A = 1 and B = 1 then Q = 1

There are 2 Negated Gates, these are the NOR and NAND gates. Basically these gates act like an OR and AND gate only there output is the opposite.

The truth table of a NAND gate is as follows

  A  B  |  Q


0  0  |  1

0  1  |  1

1  0  |  1

1  1  |  0

Notice that it is the opposite of an AND gate.

0 & 0 = 0, ~0 = 1

To wrap this up a bit better we use brackets ()

~(0 & 0) = 1

~(0 & 1) = 1

~(1 & 0) = 1

~(1 & 1) = 0

Now the result of the calculation in the brackets is negated.

The truth table for the NOR gate is as follows

  A  B  |  Q


0  0  |  1

0  1  |  0

1  0  |  0

1  1  |  0

~(0 | 0) = 1

~(0 | 1) = 0

~(1 | 0) = 0

~(1 | 1) = 0

The final 2 Gates remaining are the XOR (eXclusive OR) and XNOR (eXclusive NOR) gates. Here they are.

The logic behind this gate is that if either A or B is equal to 1 but not both then the output is equal to 1, here is its truth table.

  A  B  |  Q


0  0  |  0

0  1  |  1

1  0  |  1

1  1  |  0

The gate is constructed as follows.

(A & ~B) | (~A & B)

(0 & ~0) | (~0 & 0)  = 0

(0 & ~1) | (~0 & 1)  = 1

(1 & ~0) | (~1 & 0)  = 1

(1 & ~1) | (~1 & 1)  = 0

 The XNOR gate is simply the opposite of the XOR gate, its truth table looks like the following.

  A  B  |  Q


0  0  |  1

0  1  |  0

1  0  |  0

1  1  |  1

It’s kind of like ~((A & ~B) | (~A & B)).

This is a good time to point out something about Boolean algebra, remember that ~ changes the value of an input to its opposite, therefore ~(~A) = A and the 2 ~'s simply cancel each other out.

So XNOR becomes (~A & B) | (A & ~B).

So we all know how to add decimal numbers (i'm presuming), its easy.

1 1 1

+ 1      + 2      + 3

= 2      = 3      = 4

But how do we add in binary? Easy watch this

0 0 1           1

+ 0      + 1        + 0        + 1

 = 0      = 1      = 1      = 10

That’s fine but with 1+1 we get a carryover that we have to deal with. So we add an extra space to handle the carry.

0 0 1 1

+ 0      + 1      + 0        + 1

= 00    = 01     = 01     = 10

Lets write a truth table to handle this data.

  A  B  |  CO Q


0  0  |  0  0

0  1  |  0  1

1  0  |  0  1

1  1  |  1  0

Notice the new column on the truth table for the carry out (CO). We now notice that CO and Q and familiar, C0 is the same as an AND gate and Q is the same as an XOR.

A & B = Q

(A & ~B) | (~A & B) = CO

That’s fine for adding single bit numbers but what if we want to add 2 8-bit numbers? In this case were going to need a component called a full binary adder. Once we create the full adder we can put 8 of them together to form an 8-bit or byte-wide adder and move the carry bit from one adder to the next.
The main difference for us between the first adder and this full adder is that we now need a third input called a Carry-In (CI).
Here is the truth table for the full adder.

       A   B  CI  |  CO Q


       0   0   0  |  0  0

       0   0   1  |  0  1

       0   1   0  |  0  1

       0   1   1  |  1  0

       1   0   0  |  0  1

       1   0   1  |  1  0

       1   1   0  |  1  0

       1   1   1  |  1  1

If we examine the output you’ll realize that the top 4 numbers for C0 look like an AND gate for A and B and the bottom 4 look like an OR gate for A and B, while top 4 of Q look like an XOR and the bottom 4 like an XNOR gate.
By putting those gates together we could form a form a more complicated and useful circuit such as the adder and that’s how a computer builds up from a series of 1's and 0's to addition.

Well in this tutorial we looked at Logic Gates and how they perform functions on binary numbers, Gates can be used to build up much better and sophisticated functions such as loops and comparisons, used together these can easily perform multiplication and division and we can use these in everyday equipment, from washing machines and microwave ovens to motion sensitive cameras and pc's.

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Computer Classification Based on - Age, Size, Purpose & Processing.

A computer can be defined as any electronic device that gets and accepts data, stores it and processes the data in to meaningful information understandable by the user. With the definition in mind,we can list examples of computers like watches, calculators, television sets, thermometers, laptops and mobile phones to be true. All of them get data and manipulate it into necessary information. You can agree with me that there is no device called by name as computer.Computer is just a generic term comprising of many devices. Other than calling a machine in an office as computer, we can call them as desktops, laptops, etc. Therefore we should know that it is so wrong to call desktops as just computer, even a calculator is a computer and it has never been called computer as a name. Let's learn to call devices by specific names but not generic names. Computers can broadly be categorized according to age, size, purpose or functionality, and processing. 

According to Age: computers are grouped in terms of generations. They include: 1st generation computers, 2nd generation computers, 3rd generation computers, 4th generation computers, and finally 5th generation computers.

1st Generation Computers: This is a generation of computers that were discovered between the years 1946 and 1957. These computers had the following characteristics: They used vacuum tubes for circuiting. They used magnetic drums as memory for data processing. Their operating system was quite low as compared to the later generations. An operating system can be defined as a collection of programs designed to control the computer's interaction and communication with the user. A computer must load the operating system like Microsoft into memory before it can load an application program like Ms Word. These computers required large space for installation. They were large in size and could take up the entire room. They consumed a lot of power. They also produced huge amounts of energy and power which saw machines breaking down oftenly. Using the computers, programming capabilities was quite low since the computers relied on machine language. Machine language can only be understood by the computer but not human beings. Their input was based on punched cards and paper tapes.

2nd Generation Computers: These computers existed between the years 1958 and 1964. They possessed the following features: These computers used transistors for circuitry purposes. They were quite smaller in size compared to the 1st generation computers. Unlike the 1st generation computers, they consumed less power. Their operating system was faster. During this generation, programming languages such as COBOL and FORTRAN were developed. This phase of computers relied on punched cards too for input and printouts.

3rd Generation Computers: These are computers that existed between 1965 and 1971. The computers used integrated circuits(ICs) for circuitry purposes. The computers were smaller in size due to the introduction of the chip. They had a large memory for processing data. Their processing speed was much higher. The technology used in these computers was small scale integration (SSI) technology.

4th Generation Computers: The computers under this generation were discovered from 1972 to 1990s. The computers employed large scale integration (LSI) technology. The size of memory is high/large, hence faster processing of data. Their processing speed is high. The computers were also smaller in size and less costly in terms of installation. This phase of computers saw introduction of keyboards that could interface well with processing system. During this phase, there was rapid internet evolution. Other advances that were made included the introduction of GUI(graphical user interface) and mouses. Other than GUI,  there exist other user interfaces like natural language interface, question and answer interface, command line interface(CLI) and form-fill interfaces.

5th Generation Computers: These are computers that are still under development and invention. There development might have began in 1990s and continues in to the future. These computers use very large scale integration (VLSI) technology. The memory speed of these computers is extremely high. The computers can perform parallel processing. It is during this generation that Artificial Intelligence (AI) concept was generated e.g voice and speech recognition. These computers will use quantum computation and molecular technology. They will be able to interpret data and respond to it without direct control by human beings.

According to Power and Size:  computers are divided into the following: Microcomputers, minicomputers, supercomputers, mainframe computers and mobile computers.

Microcomputers: They are smaller and cheaper compared to mainframe and supercomputers They are also less powerful. E.g Personal computers (PCs) and desktop computers.

Minicomputers: These are mid sized computers that are less expensive compared to mainframe computers and super computers. E.g IBM midrange computers.

Mainframe Computers: These are very large expensive computer systems. They are faster in processing data but less expensive compared to supercomputers.

Supercomputers: Faster computers that were very expensive and required a lot of mathematical calculations. They are used to process very large amounts of data.

Mobile Computers: These computers are further classified into notebooks and laptops-midsized computers placed at your lap/thigh while operating, palmtops-smaller devices that can be held by hand/palms (mobile phones and calculators), and personal digital assistants (PDAs).

According to Purpose or Functionality: computers are classified as general purpose and special purpose computers. General purpose computers solve large variety of problems. They are said to be multi purpose for they perform a wide range of tasks. Examples of general purpose computer include desktop and laptops. 
On the other hand, special purpose computers solve only specific problems. They are dedicated to perform only particular tasks. Examples of special purpose computers can include calculators and money counting machine. 

According to Processing: computers are divided into digital, analog and hybrid computers.
Digital computers: Process data represented in the form of discrete values.These are actually binary values represented as 0s and 1s, where 1 means true while 0 means false. Data is represented in form of square waves. Such devices are very accurate since values are displayed on the machine's screen,only the required value is displayed. Examples of such devices include digital watches and calculators. 

Analog computers: process data represented by physical variables and output physical magnitudes in the form of smooth curves,or rather sine or cosine waves.Data is represented as continuous values,though not always accurate since the pointers to values may not be straight to point accurately at the correct value. Examples of such devices include analog clocks and thermometers.

Hybrid computers: combine the properties of both analog and digital computers. Hybrid computers compute large amounts of data represented in form of complex equations. Such machines can be found in hospitals for measuring patients heartbeats.

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Ten hidden Windows command prompt tricks.

Desktop administrators use the Windows command prompt regularly, but they may not realize that it includes features that can save them a lot of time. Inside this exclusive guide, our editors complied ten of the best hidden command prompt tricks that can reduce the time it takes to perform common tasks.  Learn how you can start taking advantage of these tricks today. 

Ten hidden Windows command prompt tricks 
1. Run multiple Windows commands from the command prompt:
You can run multiple Windows commands in one go from the command prompt. For example, you can start or stop a service from a command prompt by typing "Net Start/Stop." What if you need to restart a service from the command prompt? In that case, you can use a double ampersand -- && - which allows you to run multiple "Net" commands in one line to first stop and then restart the service.

2. Add a double ampersand to ends of lines to execute another command:
You can add another double ampersand at the end of the line to execute any other command. For example, the first command here is executed to list the files in C:\Tempdirectory, and then next two commands are executed to stop and restart the Windows Time service. Similarly, you can mix any Windows commands, but make sure to separate them with a "&&." This function also works for Windows XP.

3. Using Windows Clipboard from a command prompt:
As you know, CTRL+C allow you to copy selected contents to Windows Clipboard, and the CTRL+V key combination is used to paste the contents from Windows Clipboard. In the command prompt, the CTRL+C key combination does not work. However, you can use the "clip" function, provided by the Windows 16-bit subsystem, to capture output of a command and store it in the clipboard. 
Note that this will work for any command. Once stored in the clipboard, open Windows Notepad or an editor of your choice and use the CTRL+V key combination to read and paste the contents from the clipboard.
 Be aware that this command isn't available in Windows XP, so you must copy it from a computer running Windows 7 or later to a Windows/System 32 directory.

4. Clearing Windows Clipboard contents from the command prompt:
The contents stored in Windows Clipboard can eat up memory. You must clear the Windows Clipboard to make sure memory used by the contents is available back to the operating system. To clear contents, use the command "Echo Off." This is a special command, and when executed with the "Clip" command, it clears the contents from Windows Clipboard.

5. Open command prompt from a folder using ‘Open command window here’:
"Open command window here" is available on the right-click context menu of a folder in Windows Explorer. This command can save you a lot of time getting to folders via Command Prompt. You must hold the Shift key while you right-click the folder to see this action.
This action is available only on folders and not files, and open command prompt is not available on Windows XP. You must use Microsoft PowerToy for Windows XP to add this function to the right-click context menu of the folders.

6. Opening command prompt from a folder using CMD.exe:You can also type "CMD" in the address bar of Windows Explorer to get to the Windows location of your choice. All you need to do is go to the folder location of your choice in Windows Explorer, put your cursor in the address bar, and then type "CMD.exe" or just "CMD."
You can switch to the windows location of your choice and in the next screenshot, type "CMD" to open the command prompt.

7. Open the command prompt with just CMD:
After switching to the Windows location of your choice, type "CMD" to open the command prompt. This function also works in Windows XP, as well as in later editions of Windows.

8. Using Windows Redirector to store command outputs to a text file:
Keyboard Symbol ">" -- also known as Redirector -- allows you to store the output of a command in a text file. The use of ">" (Redirector) is commonly seen in batch scripting, but you can use it to capture the output of a command in a text file quickly as listed below:

DIR C:\TempCMD > MyOutput.txt

By default, Redirector does not capture errors returned by a command. If you need to capture errors also in the text file, then you must use "2>&1" at the end of the command line.

The first command is executed to stop a service named "W32TimeT." Since there is no service by the name of "W32TimeT," the command returns an error. The error is not captured in the text file, even if you use Redirector.

The second command uses "2>&1" to capture the output of the command with errors in the text file successfully. To quickly open MyOutPut.txt, run the "Start MyOutput.txt" command. This tip also works in Windows XP.

9. Show your command history:
Do you wish to check all the commands you executed in the current command window session? If yes, then use the popular "Doskey" command with "history" switch. This will also work in Windows XP.

10. Drag and drop a folder to open command prompt:
If you don't want to open a command prompt from the right-click context menu of the folder as explained previously, then just drag the folder and drop it to the command prompt. The only issue with this approach is that you must type "CD" before dragging the folder to the command prompt. This last command also works in Windows XP.


Network Security - Critical Necessity

Information and efficient communication are two of the most important strategic issues for the success of every business. With the advent of electronic means of communication and storage, more and more businesses have shifted to using data networks to communicate, store information, and to obtain resources. There are different types and levels of network infrastructures that are used for running the business.

It can be stated that in the modern world nothing had a larger impact on businesses than the networked computers. But networking brings with it security threats which, if mitigated, allow the benefits of networking to outweigh the risks.

Role of Network in Business
Nowadays, computer networks are viewed as a resource by almost all businesses. This resource enables them to gather, analyze, organize, and disseminate information that is essential to their profitability. Most businesses have installed networks to remain competitive.
The most obvious role of computer networking is that organizations can store virtually any kind of information at a central location and retrieve it at the desired place through the network.

Benefits of Networks
Computer networking enables people to share information and ideas easily, so they can work more efficiently and productively. Networks improve activities such as purchasing, selling, and customer service. Networking makes traditional business processes more efficient, more manageable, and less expensive.
The major benefits a business draws from computer networks are −

1. Resource sharing − A business can reduce the amount of money spent on hardware by sharing components and peripherals connected to the network

2. Streamlined business processes − Computer networks enable businesses to streamline their internal business processess

3. Collaboration among departments − When two or more departments of business connect selected portions of their networks, they can streamline business processes that normally take inordinate amounts of time and effort and often pose difficulties for achieving higher productivity.

4. Improved Customer Relations − Networks provide customers with many benefits such as convenience in doing business, speedy service response, and so on.
There are many other business specific benefits that accrue from networking. Such benefits have made it essential for all types of businesses to adopt computer networking.

Necessity for Network Security
The threats on wired or wireless networks has significantly increased due to advancement in modern technology with growing capacity of computer networks. The overwhelming use of Internet in today’s world for various business transactions has posed challenges of information theft and other attacks on business intellectual assets.
In the present era, most of the businesses are conducted via network application, and hence, all networks are at a risk of being attacked. Most common security threats to business network are data interception and theft, and identity theft.
Network security is a specialized field that deals with thwarting such threats and providing the protection of the usability, reliability, integrity, and safety of computer networking infrastructure of a business.

Importance of Network Security for Business
1. Protecting Business Assets − This is the primary goal of network security. Assets mean the information that is stored in the computer networks. Information is as crucial and valuable as any other tangible assets of the company. Network security is concerned with the integrity, protection, and safe access of confidential information.

2. Compliance with Regulatory Requirements − Network security measures help businesses to comply with government and industry specific regulations about information security.

3. Secure Collaborative Working − Network security encourages co-worker collaboration and facilitates communication with clients and suppliers by offering them secure network access. It boosts client and consumer confidence that their sensitive information is protected.

4. Reduced Risk − Adoption of network security reduces the impact of security breaches, including legal action that can bankrupt small businesses.

4. Gaining Competitive Advantage − Developing an effective security system for networks give a competitive edge to an organization. In the arena of Internet financial services and e-commerce, network security assumes prime importance.


Operating System

An operating system is the fundamental basis of all other application programs. Operating system is an intermediary between the users and the hardware.
Operating system controls and coordinates the use of hardware among application programs. The major services of an operating system are −
  • Memory management
  • Disk access
  • Creating user interface
  • Managing the different programs operating parallel
  • Likewise, it controls and manage the hardware’s working
Operating System

Applications of Operating System
Following are the major applications of an operating system −
  • An operating system is accountable for the formation and deletion of files and directories.
  • An operating system manages the process of deletion, suspension, resumption, and synchronization.
  • An operating system manages memory space by allocation and de-allocation.
  • An operating system stores, organizes, and names and protects the existing files.
  • Further, an operating system manages all the components and devices of the computers system including modems, printers, plotters, etc.
  • In case, if any device fails, the operating system detects and notify.
  • An operating system protects from destruction as well as from unauthorized use.
  • An operating system facilitates the interface to user and hardware.
Types of Operating System
Following are the major types of operating system −
  • Disk Operating System (DOS)
  • Windows Operating System
  • Unix Operating System
Let us now discuss each operating system in detail.

Disk Operating System
MS-DOS is one of the oldest and widely used operating system. DOS is a set of computer programs, the major functions of which are file management, allocation of system resources, providing essential features to control hardware devices.
DOS commands can be typed in either upper case or lower case.

Features of DOS
Following are the significant features of DOS −
  • It is a single user system.
  • It controls program.
  • It is machine independence.
  • It manages (computer) files.
  • It manages input and output system.
  • It manages (computer) memory.
  • It provides command processing facilities.
  • It operates with Assembler.
Types of DOS Commands
Following are the major types of DOS Command −
  • Internal Commands − Commands such as DEL, COPY, TYPE, etc. are the internal commands that remain stored in computer memory.
  • External Commands − Commands like FORMAT, DISKCOPY, etc. are the external commands and remain stored on the disk.
Windows Operating System
The operating system window is the extension of the disk operating system.
It is the most popular and simplest operating system; it can be used by any person who can read and understand basic English, as it does not require any special training.
However, the Windows Operating System requires DOS to run the various application programs initially. Because of this reason, DOS should be installed into the memory and then window can be executed.

Elements of Windows OS
Following are the significant element of Windows Operating System (WOS) −
  • Graphical User Interface
  • Icons (pictures, documents, application, program icons, etc.)
  • Taskbar
  • Start button
  • Windows explorer
  • Mouse button
  • Hardware compatibility
  • Software compatibility
  • Help, etc.
Versions of Windows Operating System
Following are the different versions of Windows Operating System −
Window 1.011985Windows XP Professional x642005
Windows NT 3.11993Windows Vista2007
Windows 951995Windows 72009
Windows 981998Windows 82012
Windows 20002000Windows 102015
Windows ME2000Windows Server 20162016
Windows XP2001

Unix Operating System

The Unix Operating System is the earliest operating system developed in 1970s. Let us consider the following points relating to the Unix Operating System −
  • It is an operating system that has multitasking features.
  • It has multiuser computer operating systems.
  • It runs practically on every sort of hardware and provides stimulus to the open source movement.
  • It has comparative complex functionality and hence an untrained user cannot use it; only the one who has taken training can use this system.
  • Another drawback of this system is, it does not give notice or warn about the consequences of a user’s action (whether user’s action is right or wrong).

20 Best Windows 10 Themes/Skins To Improve Your Windows Look

If you are using a Windows computer, you must be very aware of what does a Windows theme or skin means.
Basically, themes and skins are same. When we talk about Windows, we always use the term “Theme”, but if we use a 3rd party software to customize the Windows look, we use the term “Skin”.
In this article, we have provided the best windows 20 themes and skins that will enhance the look of your windows PC.

What is a Windows theme/skin?

A Windows Theme/Skin is a collection of modifications to the interface which changes the way Windows appears and feels.
When you change a Windows theme, it changes the standard Windows icons, mouse cursor, and desktop background, as well as new icons for My Computer, My Documents, My Network Place, Recycle Bin, and other standard Windows programs.
Each theme can be related to cartoon characters, movies, specific sports teams (or a general sport), nature, celebrities, vehicles, and just about any other interest that you can imagine.
It’s been a while since Windows 10, the new operating system for Windows has been out and guess everyone would have updated their systems to Windows 10.
Now, it’s time to make your computer screen more attractive by putting up a fantastic Windows theme and giving it a very fresh look.
In this article, we bring you the best 20 cool Windows 10 themes/skins for your PCs and laptops in no particular order:

Here Are Top 20 best Windows 10 themes in 2018-

  1. Mac Os X like Windows 10 theme- Mac OS X El Capitan

The name says it all. OS X El Capitan gives you the chance to experience the Mac OS X in your Windows 10. Mac OS X EI Capitan is one of the best and cool Windows 10 skins that will offer you a great experience like Mac desktops on your Windows. This is a must try out for Windows 10 users!

2. Flattastic

This is one of the top and best themes that has a minimalistic look but looks awesome when used on your Windows 10 computer. This theme has sixteen versions, which includes 8 versions of Flattastic Light theme and 8 versions of a Flattastic Dark theme.

3. Aero Glass

aero glass
Another cool theme that gives you an Aero style glassy transparent interface on your Menu on Windows 10 PC.


If you are missing the cool interface of Windows 7 on your Windows 10, then you should definitely try out this theme. This theme will provide Windows 7 features like start button interface on your Windows 10.

5. Diversityx VS

Diversityx VS is one of the Windows 10 custom themes that provides an amazing classic look to your computer/laptop. Its dark, as well as a cool glassy transparent interface, enhances the look of your Windows 10.
People who work in the night will love this interface, as it is very comfortable to use.

6. Ubuntu like Windows 10 theme Ubuntu SkinPack

ubuntu skin pack theme
This cool theme completely transforms your Windows UI looks and gives you the experience of using the Ubuntu operating system on your Windows 10.
One of the best themes for Windows 10, most of the features of this software can be customized, such as the color theme, keyboard shortcuts and mouse gestures Basically, Ubuntu Skin Pack refreshes your Windows interface with some great appearances.
  1. Vanilla

Yet another beautiful, clear and simple theme, with a blue sky with clouds (Windows 10 native visual style) in the background. It offers an interface that looks similar to any cloud service.
This theme is borderless since there are no borders defining the sides and edges of lines drawn by ruler. It changes and enhances the overall look of your operating system.

8. Silk

silk windows 10 theme
Silk theme for Windows 10 is one of the beautiful themes that you can try on your Windows 10 computer. It will completely change your screen to an attractive notebook and make it appear beautiful and colorful.
You can also customize its colors, according to your requirement. It allows you to arrange your windows and opened folders in a way such that they appear like a handful of cards fanning out on your screen in a beautiful cascading effect, one after the other.

9. Stardock Start10

The most amazing theme or skin that adds a Windows 7-style Start menu with Windows 10 enhancements. It also offers a fully customized screen that you will love to have on your Windows 10 desktop.

10. FootPaths Theme

Nature lovers will love this theme. Based on nature, this theme gives images of country lanes, wooden stairs, forest trails, and other scenic paths. This theme contains eleven HD wallpapers of nature that will ultimately change your Windows 10 experience.

11. Windows XP Like windows 10 theme

Best Windows 10 Themes- windows xp
Perhaps one of the best windows 10 themes or skins that will bring back all the nostalgia is Windows XP from one of the best windows version of all time.
To use this theme you will first need to download the classic shell which will help to get important customization for your windows 10. once downloaded and installed you need to get Classic Shell XP suite for Windows 10.
You might also be searching for Windows XP or Windows 7 themes or skins for your Windows 10 PC? Here’s How To Make Windows 10 PC Look Like Windows XP or Windows 7
Your theme is ready now!

12. Seda

seda_theme- best windows 10 theme
Seda is a dark windows 10 theme from Deviantart. it is not completely dark and also has a light menu in settings.

13. Windows 95 like Windows 10 theme- Windows 95

windows_95- best windows 10 themes
If you will like to bring the antique look of Windows 95 on your Windows 10 PC. this theme is a perfect choice for you.
It includes gradient title bars and rectangular buttons which defines its finishes and edges. once you have downloaded this theme. you can also add sound effects and cool icons by downloading SillySamPixelArt’s Windows 95 theme pack

14. Oxford Theme

oxford theme- best windows 10 themes
If you want a clean and beautiful look for your windows 10. This minimalistic theme might be the perfect choice for you.

15. Ades theme

Ades-Theme- best widnows 10 themes
Perhaps one of the best dark windows 10 themes. It might look a bit similar to seda theme with various grey shades on it.
If you are looking for the theme used as the featured image in this article at the beginning of this article. well, it is Ades theme.

16. Windows 10 Dark Theme

Next impressive theme on the list if Windows 10 Dark Theme. This is possibly one of the best Windows 10 dark themes you can get on the Internet. The theme perfectly blacks out the Windows 10 with different shades of black color.
Once you download the ZIP file for this theme place it in %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Themes and then go to Settings>Personalization>Themes and select it from the list.

17. Simplify 10

This theme does exactly as its name suggests. This Windows 10 theme offers a very clean and minimal look to your PC. Overall aesthetics of the Simplify theme may even help in increasing your productivity and keeping your desktop clean.
Simplify Theme pack comes with 5 elegant and minimalistic Windows 10 Themes. You can save these themes in AppData and apply them personalization settings.

18. Christmas Theme For Windows 10

The next theme may take your festive season excitement to a new horizon. This Christmas Theme is one of the perfect Windows 10 themes for festival season. Everything from icons to the windows will be related to Christmas in one or the other way.
Once the download is completed move the content of this theme to    %windir%/Resources/Themes and then apply this theme from settings.

19.Windows 10 Anime Theme

One of the major reason why people invest in Netflix and Amazon Prime subscription is to watch latest Anime shows. Well, if you are one of those people who love watching Anime then using Windows 10 themes based on Anime, might sound good to you.
You can check out an extensive collection of Anime themes on Anime Windows 10 Themes. Once you apply the theme you can even pick up a matching accent color to enhance the overall experience.

20.Windows 10 Nvidia Theme

The last theme on the list is dedicated for gamers. Nvidia Theme converts your Windows 10 PC into Nvidia control panel. Everything from the wallpaper to different default Windows 10 programs has the black and green Nvidia accent.
You can check out this theme and add a stellar look to your gaming setup.


So these were some of the best windows 10 themes or skins that will make your windows look more beautiful. if you know of any other theme that we should add to the list, do let us know in the comments below.

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