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Network Security - Critical Necessity

Information and efficient communication are two of the most important strategic issues for the success of every business. With the advent of electronic means of communication and storage, more and more businesses have shifted to using data networks to communicate, store information, and to obtain resources. There are different types and levels of network infrastructures that are used for running the business.

It can be stated that in the modern world nothing had a larger impact on businesses than the networked computers. But networking brings with it security threats which, if mitigated, allow the benefits of networking to outweigh the risks.

Role of Network in Business
Nowadays, computer networks are viewed as a resource by almost all businesses. This resource enables them to gather, analyze, organize, and disseminate information that is essential to their profitability. Most businesses have installed networks to remain competitive.
The most obvious role of computer networking is that organizations can store virtually any kind of information at a central location and retrieve it at the desired place through the network.

Benefits of Networks
Computer networking enables people to share information and ideas easily, so they can work more efficiently and productively. Networks improve activities such as purchasing, selling, and customer service. Networking makes traditional business processes more efficient, more manageable, and less expensive.
The major benefits a business draws from computer networks are −

1. Resource sharing − A business can reduce the amount of money spent on hardware by sharing components and peripherals connected to the network

2. Streamlined business processes − Computer networks enable businesses to streamline their internal business processess

3. Collaboration among departments − When two or more departments of business connect selected portions of their networks, they can streamline business processes that normally take inordinate amounts of time and effort and often pose difficulties for achieving higher productivity.

4. Improved Customer Relations − Networks provide customers with many benefits such as convenience in doing business, speedy service response, and so on.
There are many other business specific benefits that accrue from networking. Such benefits have made it essential for all types of businesses to adopt computer networking.

Necessity for Network Security
The threats on wired or wireless networks has significantly increased due to advancement in modern technology with growing capacity of computer networks. The overwhelming use of Internet in today’s world for various business transactions has posed challenges of information theft and other attacks on business intellectual assets.
In the present era, most of the businesses are conducted via network application, and hence, all networks are at a risk of being attacked. Most common security threats to business network are data interception and theft, and identity theft.
Network security is a specialized field that deals with thwarting such threats and providing the protection of the usability, reliability, integrity, and safety of computer networking infrastructure of a business.

Importance of Network Security for Business
1. Protecting Business Assets − This is the primary goal of network security. Assets mean the information that is stored in the computer networks. Information is as crucial and valuable as any other tangible assets of the company. Network security is concerned with the integrity, protection, and safe access of confidential information.

2. Compliance with Regulatory Requirements − Network security measures help businesses to comply with government and industry specific regulations about information security.

3. Secure Collaborative Working − Network security encourages co-worker collaboration and facilitates communication with clients and suppliers by offering them secure network access. It boosts client and consumer confidence that their sensitive information is protected.

4. Reduced Risk − Adoption of network security reduces the impact of security breaches, including legal action that can bankrupt small businesses.

4. Gaining Competitive Advantage − Developing an effective security system for networks give a competitive edge to an organization. In the arena of Internet financial services and e-commerce, network security assumes prime importance.


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