Computer Science Education | Programming Language Tutorials For Beginners

Some Acronyms in Computer Science and Full-Forms

Important Full Forms
1. MLL : Machine level language
2. AL : Assembly language
3. HLL : High level language
4. FORTRAN : Formula Translation
5. CODASYL : Conference On Data System Langugage
6. CP/M : Control Program for Microcomputers
7. QBASIC : Quick Beginner’s All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
8. VB : Visual Basic
9. CESIL : Computer Education in Schools Instruction languag
10. QeL : Query Language
11. SQL : Structure Query language
12. SNOBOL : String Oriented Binary Language
13. ALGOL : Algorithmic Oriented language
14. IRTB : Industrial Real Time Basic
15. RPG : Report program generation
16. QBE : Query by Example
17. PROLOG : Programming Logic
18. 1GL : First Generation language
19. 2GL : Second Generation language
20. 3GL : Third Generation language
21. 4GL : Four Generation language
22. 5GL : Fifth Generation language
23. AC : Alternating Current
24. ANSI : American National Standard Institute.
25. APL : A Programming language
26. ARPA : Advance Research project agency
27. BIT : Binary digit
28. BPI : Bytes per inch
29. Byte : Binary digit eight
30. CGA : Color graphic Adapter
31. CMOS : Complementary Metal Oxide Semi conductor
32. COM : Computer Output to Microfilm
33. CPI : Character per Inch
34. SIMM : Single In line Memory Module
35. DIMM : Dual In line Memory Module
36. EDO DRAM : Extended Data Out Dynamic Random Access Memory
37. EDD : Electronic Data Processing
38. EEPROM : Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
39. DSHD : Double Sided High Density
40. DSDD : Double Sided Double Density
41. EGA : Enhance Graphics Array
42. FDS : Fixed Disk System/Storage
43. FTP : File Transfer Protocol
44. GaAS : Gallium Arsenide
45. HTTP : Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
46. ICL : International Computers Limited
47. ISP : Internet Service Provider
48. Kbps : Kilo Bits Per Second
49. Bps : Bits Per Second
50. Mbps : Mega Bits Per Second
51. NIC : Network Interface Card
52. MOS : Mercantile Office System
53. OCP : Order Code Processor
54. PCB : Printed Circuit Board
55. POST : Power On Self Test
56. SCP : System Code Processor
57. SMPS : Switch Mode Power Supply
58. SSHD : Single Sided High Density
59. SSSD : Single Sided Single Density
60. SSI : Small Scale Integration
61. SVGA : Super Video Graphics Array
62. UMB : Upper Memory Block
63. USB : Universal Serial BUS
64. URL : Uniform Resource Locator
65. VIRUS : Vital Information Resources Under Seize
66. WORM : Write Once Read Memory
67. WWW : World Wide Web
68. POP : Post Office Protocol
69. ADSL : Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
70. SIM : Subscriber Identification Module
71. CDMA : Code Division Multiple Access
72. MD-2DD : Mini Disk Double Sided Double Density
73. MD2HD : Mini Disk Double Sided High Density
74. MF-2DD : Micro Floppy Double Sided Double Density
75. MF 2HF : Micro Floppy Double Sided High Density
76. NASA : National Aeronautics and Space Administration
77. GSM : Global Service for Mobile
78. CRBT : Caller Ring Back Tone
79. SMS : Short Message Service
80. GPRS : Global Packet Radio Service

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